How to add blocks to your website


Learn how to add a black to your website with our step by step guide.


Click on the "Blocks" Icon

Adding a block to your website


Once you open the "Blocks" button, you will notice there are a variety of choices you can choose from - below are the options for your "About us" section (Please note: Wording can be customized - should you like to use this block and have this subjected according to a different category) :

Adding a block to your website   

Adding a block to your website 


Once you open the "Blocks" button, you will notice there are a variety of choices you can choose from - below are the options for your "Contact Us" section (Please note: Wording can be customized - should you like to use this block and have this subjected according to a different category) :

Adding a block to your website 

Adding a block to your website 

Adding a block to your website 


Once you open the "Blocks" button, you will notice there are a variety of choices you can choose from - below are the options for your "Products" section (Please note: Wording can be customized - should you like to use this block and have this subjected according to a different category) :

Adding a block to your website 


Once you open the "Blocks" button, you will notice there are a variety of choices you can choose from - (Please note: Wording can be customized - should you like to use this block and have this subjected according to a different category) :

Adding a block to your website 

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